Children of India

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JPEG 46KB - Several of the children in this set of pictures would love to live in this squatters encampment.  They have nowhere but the sidewalk to sleep on at night. JPEG 53KB - Why do young boys like these always have to put up such a ferocious pose?
JPEG 59KB - These are  some children from the village we are helping build. JPEG 76KB - This is a beggar woman with a young child at a street corner.  Since begging is a profession here, there is no way to know if the child is hers or a borrowed one but you still have to feel sorrow for them both.
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JPEG 62KB - School children on their way home.  Nearly all schools here have uniforms. JPEG 42KB - I'm hungry!  5 Rupees for food!  If you give it to her, she won't get to keep it; the boss of the beggars at the corner will take it from her.
JPEG 46KB - Very young beggar children at a street corner.  Why aren't they in school? JPEG 52KB - Neighborhood children.  She is on the way home from school.  The boys probably don't go to school at all.
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JPEG 51KB - These two girls had been out foraging for little sticks in hopes that they would be able to have a hot meal that day. JPEG 55KB - This young lady is learning to read while she sits in her father's cobbler shop.
JPEG 41KB - She knows how to 'ham it up' for a camera. JPEG 30KB - I'm ready to go play cricket.  How about you going with me?
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JPEG 64KB - This is a very cute little girl but the interesting item in this picture is the intricate drawing work on the mother's hand. JPEG 35KB - What big eyes you have!  All the better to win your heart.  And the children of India have indeed won our hearts.

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