Mission, Valley Baptist Retreat

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JPEG 95KB - Main entrance to Valley Baptist Retreat in Mission Texas. JPEG 85KB - This is our new bigger tool trailer.  If you see us on the road, give us a wave.
JPEG 169KB - The motley crew. JPEG 99KB - The bilingual Baptist church on the ajoining property.
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JPEG 86KB - Ed Kirkham and Eugene Estes put the back on a piece of office furniture. JPEG 76KB - Melvin Warren is hard at work on the saw.
JPEG 93KB - Gayle Berry putting the puzzling pieces of a mirror frame together. JPEG 105KB - Jerry Southerland clamps it tight until the glue sets.
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JPEG 90KB - Richard Brewer is getting to be an expert at finishing drawers. JPEG 104KB - Rex Taylor knows it takes big clamps to hold this desktop together.
JPEG 102KB - As soon as this stuff dries, it will be sanded and painted again. JPEG 120KB - Patsy Nafe with some of the clothes the ladies made.  We did not make those bunks!.
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JPEG 71KB - Sue Taylor says 'Have machine, will travel'. JPEG 78KB - Sue Brewer believes  that when in doubt, check the pattern.
JPEG 126KB - Mabel Warren's work is as precise as the men's but in a different medium. JPEG 62KB - Finished furniture in one of the Valley Baptist Retreat motel rooms.
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JPEG 92KB - The rest of the motel room furniture. JPEG 92KB - Office furniture built for one of the valley's Baptist churches.
JPEG 88KB -The pastor of the Spanish speaking Baptist church that got this furniture was thrilled. JPEG 80KB - More office furniture for the local Baptist Association office.
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JPEG 83KB - Peggy Steele and Freda Berry babysitting for a Tuesday night service for a large group of indigents ministered to by the retreat. JPEG 78KB - Freda Berry says you don't have to speak the language for the love to be felt.
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