TBM - 2004

Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary


Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists

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JPEG 92KB - Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists (CCSB) office on The Hill overlooking Cochran, Alberta, Canada. JPEG 96KB - Sign at the front of the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary (CSBS) in Cochran, Alberta, Canada.
JPEG 60KB - A view of the CSBS facilities. JPEG 83KB - Another view of the CSBS facilities on a day that you can see forever.
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JPEG 74KB - A number of the men at their morning meeting getting ready for the day's activities. JPEG 91KB - Bob Steele is making short boards out of long ones.
JPEG 82KB - Jack Tennison told Richard Brewer to make it tight. JPEG 97KB - Ed Kirkham is checking an adjustment on the cutoff saw.
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JPEG 67KB - Jack Tennison and Rick Sodergren are assembling a kitchen cabinet for the new convention Mission House. JPEG 79KB - Gayle Berry and Walt Bailey are making straight boards out of very crooked ones.
JPEG 57KB - Eugene Esters checks a kitchen unit that Richard Brewer is assembling. JPEG 60KB - Loyd Ervin sands a kitchen cabinet.
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JPEG 68KB - Flowers were presented to the TBM ladies who taught the sewing class to the seminary wives.  Fifteen ladies and two girls learned to sew during our time in Canada. JPEG 80KB - A seminary wife shows the blouse and dress she made during the class.  The girl behind her made the dress she is wearing.
JPEG 67KB - A view of the Bow River and the Canadian Rockies. JPEG 155KB - The city of Banff in the Canadian Rockies.
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JPEG 141KB - A very cooperative Elk beside the highway. JPEG 121KB - Freda Berry always enjoys a beautiful part of God's kingdom.
JPEG 113KB - Dorothy Hearin and her new friend in downtown Calgary. JPEG 137KB - Freda Berry and the ever popular Calgary Stampede.
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