web page help notes

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Updated 2 February 2004

1. To read information about each of the individual pictures, hold the mouse over the small thumbnail picture for a second and the information will pop up near the thumbnail. Moving the mouse pointer around over the picture will keep the written comments on the screen until you've had a chance to read them.

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2. To print a full size picture once you have opened it in a separate browser window, hit your browser's print button. You can also select the browser's file option and save the picture to your computer's hard drive. These are medium resolution not high resolution pictures but I do have hi res (approximately 500k or greater) jpeg files of many of the pictures available. If you will contact me by email and give me the picture number, I will try to meet your request for the higher resolution pictures via email within reason of course.

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3. Feel free to download and use the pictures but please send me a message so I will know this web site has served a useful purpose.

4. More sets of photographs will be made available in the future.

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5. HINT: To identify the country or state to which a flag belongs, hover over the flag, IE. move the mouse pointer to the flag and pause on it. The name will pop up in a box over the flag.

6. Our permanent email address is on the bottom of "The Berry's World" page or you can click "CONTACT" on the menu bar to send us an email. We will try to answer all email received but that's not a guarantee. Work does take precedence in our daily lives.

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